Wordnet-based search engine for picdiary

November 29th, 2002  |  Published in photos, rss, wordnet

This search engine uses wordnet to find synonyms of search terms, and hypernyms of marked-up keywords. So a search for skyscraper finds one picture and a search for structure finds the skyscraper and a load of other pictures too.

The pics are marked up in the RSS-based picture collections using markup like this:

<item rdf:about=”https://www.picdiary.com/kensington/img_1926.jpg”>
<foaf:depicts><wordnet:Telephone /></foaf:depicts>

Search results are actually returned in RSS; the html search page is just a wrapper around that. So you can subscribe to pictures of shops if you really want to.

Next steps:

  • Add “more like this” links to picture pages that find pictures by navigating the wordnet space
  • make a dmoz-style directory of pictures arranged into the wordnet hierarchy
  • do similar things with FOAF person information
  • do location annotation using jo’s geonet-based namespace
  • tie it all together into some sort of coherent website

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