Stemtags is back, thanks to Camping

December 10th, 2006  |  Published in Uncategorized

Nearly two years ago, I wrote a utility to check your tags for duplication using Porter stemming. Until today, the application had stopped working completely due to the fragility of the screenscraping code it was using. For fun, I’ve done a rewrite using Ruby and Hpricot, with all-new fragile screenscraping code based on the JSON feeds (thanks to Lenny Domnitser for pointer those out to me). I web-enabled it using Camping, a nice mini-framework for when webapps don’t need all the bells and whistles of Rails.

Here’s the result.

Thanks to camping, the code is compact – only 105 98 lines including templates:

If you want to run it yourself, you’ll also need stemmable.rb.

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