The Application of Weblike Design to Data: Designing Data for Reuse

March 8th, 2006  |  Published in talks

My esteemed former colleague Tom Coates has been giving a talk recently entitled Native to a Web of Data: Designing a Part of the Aggregate Web. It’s a tour de force journey through key issues and implications of the renaissance in web thinking that’s happening right now.

In his talk, Tom very kindly references a talk I gave at last year’s XTech conference. It’s based on a great deal of work he and I did together at the BBC, and endless conversations that we’ve had on the nature of the web. It’s called The Application of Weblike Design to Data: Designing Data for Reuse and hopefully those slides are some use to those seeking background for Tom’s narrative.

I’m not living in London at the moment so I missed seeing Tom present at the recent Carson Future of Web Apps event. Luckily, they’ve made MP3s available of all the talks there, so you can hear the talk too. I just saw him speak at ETech 2006, and I was blown away by the clarity, consistency and depth of the ideas. Don’t miss it.

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